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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 332

Thank you for all of your prayers. Our nephew's father passed away yesterday morning. How do you tell a 12-year old boy that news? (((Myles and Shelley))) Curtis has flown to Ohio to be with his family. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Cliff's family.

I *tried* to get a group photo of the kids today for our very first ever family Christmas card... but I'm not confident any of the shots are good enough. I've become a very tough critic of my own photos. Like this one... I like Dominic's pose, the exposure, and the light in his eyes, but his smile is awkward. He is so cute though, isn't he? I've already fussed with three photos, doing a head-swap and melding the photos together. Maybe we'll try again next week.


Thanks for looking!

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