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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 86

On weekends, we like to lounge around for a while, then I'll get in the shower mid-morning. Invariably, Anna follows me into the shower then takes a bath while I do my makeup and dry my hair. Today we were going to the school's spring festival, so I took a little extra time to dry her hair and Anna wanted me to take a picture. She is such a sweetheart!


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Day 85

Dominic was so excited to finally finish off that box of Toy Story fruit snacks so that he could complete the maze on the back of the box. I don't know why kids like those fruit snacks... they taste awful!


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Day 84

Everyone needs a good picture of their house! This is ours.


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Day 83

I wasn't very inspired this day... an ordinary day after a dramatic day the day before... so I took a picture of my bed. I guess when I'm older looking back at pictures, I will remember that I chose to sleep with Anna to keep her safe should she have a seizure in the middle of the night. So technically, this is Anna's bed. ;)


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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 82

Today was a long morning at the pediatric geneticist's office. I'm going to blog about all of that on Elusive Tranquility, but I wanted to share this sweet picture I got of Anna after our appointment. We were there so long that Anna missed lunch at school so we grabbed a quick bite at her favorite restaurant, La Brissa, which is in our neighborhood and across from the school. She has a specific table at which she always likes to sit and Manny, her favorite waiter, is always there and loves chatting with her. Today we had the whole restaurant to ourselves and though we never need a menu (she is a creature of habit!), she likes having one to look at while we wait for our tea. I thought she was so cute running her fingers over the words.


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Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 81

I know this is a little blurry, but it's very hard to get a young boy to sit still for a natural light shot while playing DS. Sigh, it was all I could manage today!


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Day 80

The rodeo was in town over spring break! Poor Dominic and I had strep throat and missed going to the rodeo with the family on Friday. Jenny was kind enough to take him on Sunday when he was feeling better. He was so exited to show off his black widow spider face painting when he got home. Thanks, Jenny!


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Days 77-79

No pictures to due mommy illness.

Day 76

Anna loves all things creepy-crawly, especially toads and roly-poly bugs. We were enjoying a spring afternoon and I had to zoom in on this little roly-poly trundling up her hand. She had this one for nearly 10 minutes before losing him in the grass.


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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 75

Tuesday is one of the nights that I do Dominic's bedtime routine. He was being so charming and cute that I had to get a picture of him in bed ready for stories. He was playing possum as evidenced by the toothy grin.


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Day 74

A commitment to eat healthier brought a lot of fresh produce in our house this weekend. I wonder how long it will take me to actually cut up this pineapple?


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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 73

Part of the kids' behavior plans is that they get a little reward on the weekend for doing chores and following expectations at school. This weekend, Anna got this little toy and I wanted to capture the moment as a symbol of her hard work.


Editing in to add that an admin for a Toys group on Flickr added this photo to their page!

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Day 72

Playing outside in the beautiful sunshine!


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Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 71

Spring is here! This is a photo of our blossoming pear tree in our front yard. I love love love this time of year and spent a couple of hours working in yard today.


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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 70

Anna got a haircut! She's had the same look for years and now being nine, I thought she was too old for the ponytail and bow. I told her we were getting her bangs and she kept saying, "I'm getting brains." LOL! This isn't the best expression on her face but it's a cute picture of her new 'do and everyone loves it!


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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 69

Both kids needed new shoes, so went to Payless after school today. Dominic always wants the light-up character tennies, but today he found these and HAD to have them. My mom saw them at dinner time, and said, "Is that a skull???" LOL!

I decided to have a little fun and grunge up the pic a bit too.


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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 68

I seriously could snap photos all day long of my son. He is so gorgeous and approaches life with wild abandon. There are days where I struggle to get one good picture; today, I could hardly choose. Thank you, Dominic!


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Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 67

I didn't take a picture yesterday... I was feeling kind of blue. But that is life, right? Some days the to-do list needs to get ignored.

Yet another visit to the doctor this morning. Anna just had strep throat a couple of weeks ago. She came down with a cold over the weekend that turned into an earache. Luckily we got in to see the doc before her ear got infected so some ear drops ought to do the trick. She's such a trooper these days at the pediatrician's office. We've been seeing Dr. G since Jenny was a baby and he still has the same nurses and staff. He is wonderful!!! I can so vividly remember him visiting me at the hospital after Dominic was born. Since we didn't know what was causing Anna's delays (at the time I got pregnant with Dominic, Anna had not had her first seizure yet and she wasn't yet diagnosed with autism), I was worried about Dominic and the possibility of problems with him. Dr. G was so reassuring and said our sweet boy had no signs of hypotonia at birth. I was so grateful that he would take the time to visit me... those first few days I was able to relax and just enjoy my new baby.

Here's to Dr. G!


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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 65

I'm not sure I need any explanation for this photo other than...

Dominic is just too stinkin' cute!!!!!!!


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Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 64

I was working this morning and looked over to see Charlie laying on Dominic's bed, sleeping in the morning sun. I know I just posted a picture of him last night, but have you ever encountered a dog that was more than a dog? Charlie is that kind of dog.


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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 63

The kids are in bed and I was enchanted by Charlie sleeping so soundly. I wasn't sure the shot would turn out... I used natural light and it was very dark. I swear the shutter was open for at least 25 seconds! What a sweet puppy. He's 10 months old now!


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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 62

One of Anna's birthday presents was a bottle of Gazillion bubbles (the BEST bubbles ever!) and today was such a pretty afternoon that we got to play with them. I got this shot of a few of them.


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Day 61

March 2nd, 2010 celebrates Anna's 9th birthday. We were smarter this year and didn't tell her about it before since last year she was so excited she stayed up all night and had a seizure from sleep deprivation. She handled the day so well and I was even able to visit her at school for lunch without her getting upset. Here is a picture of her blowing out the candles. I am so proud of this girl.


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Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 60

A sweet picture of Jenny today. She has been such a rock through this last weekend. I love you, angel!


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Day 59

After having both my daughter and my husband in the hospital this week, I needed an outing. Anna's birthday is Tuesday, so I took Dominic and Jenny shopping on Sunday. Outside of Target, Dominic flashed me an "I Love You" sign... boy, did I need that!


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Day 58

If you read my entry for day 57, you will understand why I almost forgot to take a picture on Saturday. This was my empty margarita glass at 11:40 p.m. I really needed that drink.


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