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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 263

You would not believe the before version of this photo. The whole family was outside this evening playing soccer and Dominic was running around with a pool noodle being a very silly boy. I caught up to him in my mom's front yard and kneeled down a bit because he wanted me to put the noodle to my ear so he could talk to me through it. Then he spun around and put it on his head like a giant antennae. There was something in his expression that captured me though... so I gave this photo a second look in Bridge, then brought it into Photoshop. I had it enlarged about 300% working on fixing a little blemish on his cheek when I saw this crop take shape. I don't know if it works technically or not, but I love it. Definitely better without the pool noodle antennae. ;)


Thanks for looking!

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